• You as a high performance professional need:

    Resilience - Adaptability - Self-awareness - Emotional intelligence - A sounding board and support system - Work-life balance - Intrinsic motivation


    You as a high performance professional might be facing the following challenges: 

    Relentless pressure - Demanding schedules - The constant pursuit of excellence - Conflicts in work / life balance - Intense competition - Issues related to burnout - Feelings of isolation, self-doubt or imposter syndrome.


  • Navigating these pressures while striving for personal growth and maintaining a strong sense of self can be an ongoing challenge. I offer personalized guidance and support in which I help you navigating these challenges with focus on holistic well-being, self-discovery and personal growth in the context of your unique professional and personal life.

  • Do you experience one or more of the following things in your own life or career? 

    • You seek objective guidance from a trusted sounding board
    • You struggle with exhaustion and anxiety
    • You place excessive importance on others' opinions
    • You lack awareness of your strength and potential, feeling out of touch with yourself
    • You lack practical and/or mental support
    • You pursue an unhealthy approach to current endeavors
    • You feel a need for change without knowing where to start
    • You fear genuine success
    • You engage in self-sabotage or experience imposter syndrome
    • You have unclear goals



    • You achieved your goals but feel lost or disconnected
    • You repeat limiting patterns
    • You struggle to define and set boundaries
    • You apologize excessively
    • You feel drained of energy
    • You live with questions and doubts
    • You experience unexplained aches and anxiety
    • You feel misunderstood or lonely
    • You feel held back by fear
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    Florian Von Hoyer - COO at MusicHub (Berlin - Germany)

    "Renske has an astonishing intuition and understanding of what happens beneath the surface. Her capacity and drive to put things into shape and form are complemented by her ability to explain seemingly complex matters in clear words and telling images. She guides you through the full circle and helps you discover wounds you were not even aware of, only to heal them from within. In search for someone to take care of your soul? Reach out to Renske!"

  • How can my sessions help you?

    I don't believe in a one-size-fits-all method. You are unique - so is every trajectory.

    If you are interested or have questions, please e-mail: renske@splashmusicmedia.com or book a free Discovery Call.


    • Live authentically true to yourself
    • Understand and enhance personal and working relationships
    • Explore personality traits and vulnerabilities
    • Tailor success strategies to your unique needs
    • Recognize the mind-body connection for a healthier life
    • Develop social competences and interpersonal skills
    • Identify and overcome barriers to success
    • Clarify and stay accountable to your goals
    • Enhance self-awareness and effectiveness



    • Discover your working style and strengths
    • Boost confidence and self-esteem
    • Gain clarity in decision-making
    • Manage energy, stress, and constant pressure effectively
    • Navigate work-family balance
    • Heal and prevent burnout
    • Formulate a strategy for optimal decision-making
    • Address overwhelm and triggers
    • Learn effective energy and stress management.
  • Who is it for?

    My guidance is designed for visionary artists and high-performance professionals committed to a transformative journey, where personal and professional growth are seamlessly interwoven. If you are ready to explore the depths of yourself, embracing both strengths and vulnerabilities, this is for you.


    Beyond the spotlight, you aim to navigate not just the professional but also the personal landscape with authenticity. Yearning for a life where your personal well-being harmonizes with your professional success, you seek a robust foundation that not only enhances your confidence and career but also nurtures lasting health.


    Together, we delve into the delicate balance between your personal and professional worlds. Recognizing the profound impact they have on each other, we explore ways to bring alignment, ensuring that thriving professionally doesn't come at the cost of your personal fulfillment. This is for those who acknowledge the interconnected nature of their well-being, recognizing that success is truly meaningful when it extends to all facets of life.

    You will get accurate support in reclaiming control over your career and well-being. For touring artists this can also imply support on tour.


  • Book a call to see if we are a match.

    Free Discovery Call

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    Me as your support system

    I provide comprehensive guidance to empower your journey towards standing out and embracing success authentically. As we embark on a trajectory together, I leverage a diverse array of tools and expertise cultivated over two decades of dedicated personal growth and development. This holistic support spans physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

    - Bachelor's Degree in Social Work
    - Clinical Psychology
    - Certified Human Design Specialist
    - Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

    - Trauma Release techniques
    - Bodywork Certification encompassing cupping, manual therapy, nutrition, and

    - Detoxing rooted in both Eastern and Western medicine
    - Human Spiritual Yoga (Level 18 of 20)

    - 10X Speaker - Motivational Public Speaking


    For additional details, please visit the 'About Renske' tab.


  • I am interested, now what?

    If you are interested in working together on your journey of personal and professional growth, please e-mail: renske@splashmusicmedia.com


    Only open for those who are fully committed and want to make a serious change in their life. You have my full commitment. You need yours too. You will fully understand how you are designed, start creating more flow and health in your life while being guided in your deconditioning process. I work with those whose word and commitment are more powerful than any contract or document. Serious and appropriate inquiries only.